2014_August… fixing Grace’s pants
October 18, 2017 – 10:27 pmRegen: “Dave, why does the baby have duct tape on her rear?”
Dave: “Her pants kept falling down.”
Regen: “Dave, why does the baby have duct tape on her rear?”
Dave: “Her pants kept falling down.”
A collection of memories from the summer of 2014.
While visiting Auburn, a hot air balloon landed in the back yard. Don’t often hear the dog barking for that reason!
Mid-summer, Regen and I took a day off for a sail on the Mystic Whaler on Long Island Sound.
Later, we spent an afternoon in the Lyman Orchard sunflower maze.
We spent the 4th in Auburn. The kids loved watching the Owasco town parade with their cousins Zoe and Tessa and Grandpa Rich.
One and six! How fast time flies.
Happy Birthday to my two beautiful kids: Graham the Ham and Grace, who is so easily entertained by her brother’s antics.
If the photos weren’t enough, here’s some video from Christmas. It’s a mix of unwrapping presents and playing with new toys.
Fall 2013 trip to Asheville, plus 2013 Christmas pictures
Some selected pictures from fall /winter 2013-2014
Catching up on blog posts. I’m going to mirror a lot of what Regen posted on Facebook.
First, a picture of Graham & Grace from February.
Next, Max, like the rest of the family, is ready for spring, but it’s still coming down with “white out” conditions out there. Uncle!
Next, Grace starting to “cruise” (walk while holding on to something) at 9 months. (February 22)
In March… we went out to breakfast one morning. Grace was a bit upset when we said “no more bacon”! Appeased because we relented, and Graham gave up his last 1/2 of a piece. What a nice brother!
Grace has evolved to inchworm crawling…
grace inchworm from David Knaul on Vimeo.